Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life is determined to move on..

Life is a funny thing, when a tragedy happens it does not just stop, it keeps going. So with it you must go along also. I haven't written in a while. This past week has been particularly hard and then some times it gets easier. I go back and forth. Feb. 4th was supposed to be David's baby shower. We had it all planned out and everything purchased for it. It still makes me tear up thinking about it. Because I didn't want to just sit around all day and cry my mom and some friends of ours made plans in advance.

We went shopping. :)

It was a great time, we have some awesome friends. While I was shopping I decided to have a plan. That plan was to shop for my childcare kids. That turned out to be really fun. I started work again on Feb. 6. After two monthes of being off. I have to tell you at first I was dreading it. I just wasn't sure how I would feel being around kids again. But I was ok, actually being around them again has helped me alot. Because these are MY kids. I know them and I love them and I really missed them I realized.
I currently watch 6 kids (not all at the same time). The little ones are still too young to realize what happened with David. One of the youngest ones pointed to my belly yesterday and said Baby David, then went about playing. Then I have older ones. They know. The oldest one is 8 and he is at the age where he knows a sensitive situation so he never mentioned David. I have a five year old. At that age children don't really have filters. They are innocent enough to tell you the truth and to say whats on their minds. My five year old came in yesteday and said "Miss Jenna I'm so sad" of course I was oblivious and said oh buddy why are you so sad? and he said "because of what happened to your baby. It makes me really sad. But my mommy told me not to say anything else. But I just wanted to you know it's really bad what happened to your baby and I'm really sad." That right there touched my heart. I like children to open up and say whats on their mind. They need to be heard. It almost made me cry it was so sweet.

I have enjoyed being back  to work.

I have also enjoyed coming up with new things to do with the kids.

and my mini- project of the play room that I turned Davids room into.

Colored Macaroni
Rubbing alcohol, food coloring, macaroni in a zip loc baggie.
Kids really enjoyed shaking them up and seeing them change colors.
Once they dry will be great to sort into colors as an activity.

went to get my nails done yesterday, even with a french manicure you can still
tell I work with kids with the coloring on my hands.

play kitchen

car track rug



My pintrest project. That's my new
favorite website!

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