Saturday, January 21, 2012


Everytime I start to get sad and feel like throwing myself a pity party I think of all the many blessings the Lord has given me.

He has given me a wonderful husband. Man is he wonderful. He does whatever he can to provide for us. He loves the Lord with all of his heart. We have been through some things together and we are going to go through more. That's life right? But we always stick together, never fall apart. Because I need him, and he needs me.

The Lord has given me an amazing Family. My mom and dad have always been great parents. Teaching us the foundations we need throughout life. Common sense, and the word of God. They always told us we could do and be anything we wanted to. They encouraged us in everything we did.

My mom and I have always been close. I would go anywhere with her, I always wanted to. I still go everywhere with her usually. I remember one time when I was little I wanted to go to the library with her and I couldn't find my shoes. So she left without me. I stood at my room window and watched her leave. My heart broke into a million pieces! or it felt like it because I was so little I didn't want to be away from my mom.

Growing up I always thought my dad was the most handsome and strongest man alive. I still think he is ONE of the most handsome and strongest men alive :). He's always there for me no matter what. I know he loves me. When I learned how to drive and he was teaching me where everything was; the spare tire, etc. I asked him "ok daddy, now when something happens how do I do those things? How do I change a tire, or oil, etc." He looked at me and said "what do you mean what do you do. you don't do anything, you call me" lol. He has always taken care of his family, and I know he always will.

God has also blessed me with two wonderful brothers. Complete opposites yes, but still both so wonderful in their own ways. My older brother lives in Phili. I miss him like crazy. After David passed him and his wife Gifty left early the next morning and came to Indiana to be here for us. That touched my heart. They both are so caring. My older brother and I have always been close since we were little. My mom said he used to talk about what he was gonna do with Jenna while she was pregnant with me. They didn't even know if I was a girl or boy. We would play for hours while I was little. He has such an imagination, still does.

My younger brother, well he's stubborn, and believes he knows everything.but I wouldn't want him any other way. He's protective. When I first met my husband and we dated for a while then he told me he just wanted to be friends. I was heart broken. Of course my brother was mad. He instantly deemed my husband a "jerk" and told me I should not talk to him any longer. Of course when I started seeing him again my younger brother wasn't too happy. Then he met Ben and got to know him, his opinion changed. But I am thankful that he is so protective. Like I said I wouldn't want him any other way.

The Lord has also blessed me with wonderful friends who are always here for me. I would be here all day if I named off all of them. But I have amazing friends who, after David passed, came and sat with me, came to the hospital to see me, sent me cards, and letters. And even if they couldn't come see me I knew they still cared and loved me. You really know who your friends are when a tragedy happens and man let me tell you I am blessed to say I have some great friends.

God has blessed me with so much. He also blessed me with 6 glorious days with my son. I will always cherish those moments and I know when I get to heaven I will have an eternity with David. That in itself is a blessing. How many parents can say for sure that they know their child is in heaven? Well I can. That is my biggest blessing of all.

1 comment:

  1. Baby this is suck a blessing to me. Its amazing how you share your heart and how you touch people without even meeting them. YOur heart is beautiful. Although it is an unfortunate storm, i am glad i have such a dedicated woman of God to help me and to be my storm shelter along with God. Your exactly right we know without a doubt our son is dancing with Jesus. It feels so good to be able to say that he is safe in the arms of God. With Gods help we "WILL:)" get through this. Never give up, always hold your head high and remember that you are a child of God. i love you and I am here for you.
