Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wise words

Growing up my mom taught me many things. One of the most important things she taught my was how to be a good wife. Proverbs 31, is also a good guide. No being a wife is not easy. My husband and I have our share of problems, however we have been through so much together. He is my best friend. I am connected to him in a way that I am not connected to anyone else. Marriage is not sacred anymore. People use divorce as a scape goat. Before my husband and I got married we made sure we both understood that divorce was never an option for us. I know I have to work hard to perserve and protect my marriage.

My mom told me this before I got married. And it's the best piece of advice I could give to anyone that is married. Don't Talk Bad About YOUR Husband. to Anyone. Ever.
My mom is a wise woman.
If you are reading this blog and have never read her blog I encourage you to go over to hers and read through her writings. She is a wonderful writer (better than me). And you will truely enjoy reading through her stuff. :)


  1. Jenna you are just the sweetest daughter ever! I have waited a long time to be called a wise woman- LOL- thanks. Muah!
