Wednesday, January 25, 2012

loving who you are.

It is important to know WHO you are as a person. No I'm not talking about your name and who your parents are. I mean who you are. What makes you; you. I believe in being raw. In being yourself. To many times people try to put on a front and make themselves seem better than who they are. But with me, what you see is what you get.

I'm an emotional girl. Things make me cry, especially now. I absolutely love children. I perfer to be with children over being with adults. I watch dramatic shows like gossip girl, OTH, 90210, and Pretty Little Liars. Why? Because my llife is relatively drama free and that's how i like it. I get my drama fill by watching it on tv. I am confident in myself. I love sarcasm. I love my family. I can go on and on about what makes me; me. What makes you; you? There is nothing wrong with being yourself. There is nothing wrong with showing who you are. Have a high self-worth. Be all you can be. Especially if you are a woman. Don't sell yourself short.

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