Tuesday, January 17, 2012



We have all heard of this word. But what does it really mean?

The definition of Strength is:
1. mental power, force, or vigor.
2. moral power, firmness, or courage.
To me strength is more than physical strength. You can be physically strong but that doesn't mean your strong in the areas of life that matters.
Close your eyes and picture the person you believe is the strongest person you know. Now thnk about what makes them so strong. Was it something in their life that made their true strength come out?
The strongest person I know is my mom. I know quite a few strong people, but she is the strongest. She may not think so but she is. My mamaw had a stroke 2 years ago and everyday since I have seen my mom get up and take care of her mother like it's a normal thing that everyone does. But it's not, I don't know many people who would be so unselfish to give up their life. But she is. She is strong, she is generous, she is unselfish. I know she gets her strength from the Lord and I admire her so much.
It's those people, those people who are strong, especially strong in the Lord, who you need to lean on in the storms of life. They are the ones who will make sure you don't give up. If you are going through something and you feel as though you are drowning in your grief and you don't have any strength to go on, I encourage you to go find the strongest person you know and unload all your emotions onto them. Trust me they can take it they are strong for a reason. Then after you do that, allow them to help you walk through this storm in your life. It might take a while but with someone's help you will get through.


  1. aww sweetheart. It's like Mom always said to me "You have to do it, so just do it Diane and quit yer whining. :)" Love you
