Monday, January 16, 2012


Do you remember when you were a kid and everything you waited for seemed to take forever? You wait to grow up, even though I can't remember why I wanted to be an adult so badly.

You would wait for your birthday, then for christmas, and all the big holidays to start.

You would wait for school to start because you get so excited for the new year. Then after a couple of days you would wait for school to be over, because you realize nothing has changed and you remember you really didn't like school all that much anyhow.

It's all a waiting game. You think when you grow up you won't have to wait so much but the truth is that's what life feels like.. a waiting game.

Atleast for me it does.

It's like I'm constantly waiting.

Waiting to get pregnant, waiting to have my baby, waiting to bring him home.

Even the day he passed away we just stood there waiting, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

Now my husband and I have to wait to try again, then wait until I get pregnant, then wait to have the baby.

It's all just a waiting game.

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