Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today is a very stormy day.

When I was little I didn't like storms, they scared me, I was always afraid of a tornado. Now that I'm older I don't mind them too much. I rather enjoy them, as long as they don't get to bad!

Well this weather is gotten me thinking about storms of life.

Everyone has them. but most of the time we don't know when other people are going through a storm, unless we are close to them. That is why it is important to treat every person you come into contact with, with curtesy. You never know what they may be going through.

During this storm of my life the Lord really touched my family. He showed us how much he loves us through this.

After David passed away we wanted to give him a funeral. He deserved at least that. Normal funerals are around 4,000 dollars. Our funeral director brought the price down so generously I almost started crying there on in the room when he told us. My husband worked at Kroger and they donated all the food for after the funeral, free of cost. My brother works at Mcdonalds and they donated all the ice. My mom went to get her hair done and the lady who cuts it wouldn't charge her. The people who came to the funeral, all our friends who have been there for us when we felt we couldn't go on. We have been shown so much love through all of this. Through this tragedy we have seen how loved we are.

Through storms the Lord will shelter us. He will put his arms around us and try to protect us from the thunder and lightening as much as possible. Yes we will still get wet. Yes it will still be tough to get through. But we can take comfort knowing we aren't left alone to face these storms if we are a child of God.

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