Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stop Complaining

I was going to write this on facebook, however I am never negative on there (if I can help it). So I decided to write it in my blog instead.

There is something that just peeves me to no end. Complainers, that do not have a reason to complain. Ok so I know we all have problems trust me. But when I log on to facebook I don't want to hear how much your life SUCKS, because of something YOU did. And now you're having to deal with the consequences. Now, I understand, when something that is out of our control pretty much ruins our life. I've been there, that's when you have the right to complain. When you lose a loved one, get diagnosed with a disease, when you're working your butt off but being taken advantage of, ok that's good, complain away. I get it, but if you decide it's cool to do drugs, or drink underage, and you get caught, or be a bum and that's the reason you have no money, or you were getting into trouble because you think you "have a right" to do what you please. PLEASE, that's when it's time to get off the pity party bus and suck it up.

Can you tell I'm a little bitter? Ok I'm sorry. I really don't mean to be. I'm not cold hearted. I know everyone has issues. I feel for people, when their issue isn't a consequence of their stupidity. That's when I feel sorry for them. I get it, I have been stupid before. I know. Then I lost David. And I realized I did not have a right to complain about little things that are my doing. Because there are much bigger issues out there.

Ok that's my rant for today. I'm sure tomorrow I will be in a much better mood.

I'm awfully moody lately..

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