Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just what we needed

I love this quote. It's in a round about way saying, how could you not like one of the world's most faithful and loving species?

A few weeks ago I wasn't a big dog fan. Yes I've spent my whole life being around dogs. It's not that I didn't like them, I just considered myself a cat person. My mom has a dog. her name is Bella, a boxer. she is one of the best dogs I have ever met. So sweet, and faithful, and really I would rather be around her than people most days. I still considered myself a cat person though.

My aunt and cousin also have boxers.

I have grown to love this breed over the past couple of years.

I say....

If it's not a boxer it's just another dog.

My husband is a BIG DOG fan. So two weeks ago when my mom asked us if we wanted a boxer pup, he didn't hesitate.

 My hubby said YES without listening to any details.

Expected. :).

So on a saturday morning we headed out to meet  my mom's cousin.
My mom was also getting a boxer pup. A friend for Bella.
 Ben had his mind set on getting a white male.
My mom wanted a tan girl.
And that's what we got. Luckily.

The moment I saw this little puppy I fell in love with him. He was scared at first, but he started to get used to us within a couple of hours.

We named him Cooper, I'm not sure why my dear hubby picked that name, but it stuck. He's beginning to know it as his name now.

Cooper isn't like any typical dog.
First of all he's beautiful. Yes I'm biased, so what.
 He's sensitve, and laid back.
Plus he's so loving.
 I'd say he's exactly what my hubby and I needed at this precise moment.

I fall more in love with him everyday. Of course who couldn't fall in love with this little guy?

I don't know about a dog person but...

I'd say I'm a boxer person... or maybe a cooper person any day :)

Of course I still love my endearing and high mantience cat buddy.

Buddy- not your typical cat lol.

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